SBS2008 IAMW Crashes During setup.....
(too old to reply)
16 years ago
I have a brand-new Vanilla install on new equipment (A Dell R300 rackmount
server). Nothing is live yet. I have run the wizard before and it worked, but
now is crashing every time. From SBS console getting started tasks selecting
"Setup your internet address", then next, followed by Radio button "I already
have a domain name I want to use", then next, finally enter the domain
"example.com", then I click configure. The progress bar gets about 1/5th of
the way before the crash and the dialogue box "Windows SBS 2008 domain
purchase and configuration wizard has stopped working"
So I can't now configure the internet / exchange server which is a bit of a
problem to say the least. All necessary updates have been done.
I have already set up some users and IP printers on the machine and also a
few shared directories but nothing more than that. The server is SBS standard
with approx 7 users, nothing special in the setup at all, no hyper-v, as of
yet no remote access etc. IP is 192.168.51.xxx (avoided using 192.168.1.xxx
as I believe this can cause problems with VPN tunnelling which I may well do
If anyone has any ideas how to get the wizard running again I'd be very
happy! Have tried the 'fix network' option which reports only unable to
configure router which should not be a problem - I have manually configured
with fixed external IP and fixed internal IP address for the gateway. The
server has internet access and can ping quite happily.
Some more information....in the system event log there are 16 attempts to
delete / create an SSL certificate each time this is done on port
987......then another group of 16 attempts the next time I try it but on a
different port number 443.....I just mention this as it is classed as a
warning in the log. Additionally in the DPCW log file the last thing to be
noted before the wizard fails is a failure of sharepoint services because
"operation is not valid due to the current state of the object" Additionally
the web hoster is in the process of changing whilst this server is being
installed. The internet web site is currently down and re-directs to a hold
page...would this have anything to do with the problem? Previous host was
bluhalo, moving to xcite digital.

Assistance needed urgently on this one! Many Thanks
15 years ago
I Too am having the exact issue, Dell T300 plain install drivers and updates
thats it no other configurations done, getting stuck on this wizard. Any
help on what you did would be great. Hopefully someone has an answer to this.
Jürgen Wondzinski
15 years ago
Hi Derek and Pail:

What the heck does your SBS problem do in a programming and development
related newsgroup? That "fox.vfp" is for "Visual FoxPro", and has nothing
to do with server installations.

If you aren't even able to choose the correct newsgroup for your question,
you shouldn't be an administrator anyway, and keep your hands off of any
computer stuff. <just kidding>

You will get much better (and less insulting ;) ) results in a newsgroup,
which has "SBS" in its name.
would be my first choice for your kind of problems.
Visual FoxPro Evangelist
Microsoft "Most Valuable Professional" 1996 to 2009

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